Posts By: Lisa

Summer Pick-Me-Up: “Slutty” Brownies

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Slutty Brownies Slutty Brownies

It’s not every day I get to write a post about “Slutty” Brownies, so I’m pretty darn excited to share the love with you. Literally. What exactly are “Slutty” Brownies, you ask? The best way to describe them: A decadent, oooey gooey combination of chocolate chip cookie dough topped with Oreos and traditional brownie batter…. more »

The Lighter Side: Couscous Salad with Summer Veggies

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Couscous Salad

To counterbalance all of the baking I’ve been doing lately, I prepared some “healthy” meals for lunch and dinner this week. On the menu: Couscous Salad with Summer Veggies, Beef  and Veggie Stir-Fry served with brown rice and Oven Roasted Tomatoes with Pancetta, Breadcrumbs and Garlic. Now, you know I’m one to improvise, but I didn’t have much… more »

All in the Family: Peanut Butter Cookies

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Peanut Butter Cookies Peanut Butter Cookies

If you’ve ever watched the NBC show “Who Do You Think You Are?,” you’ve likely wanted to uncover your own family’s origins. While I am fortunate to know more than most about both sides of my family, some mysteries still remain. A couple of years ago, my curiosity led me to — yes, the… more »