Posts By: Lisa

Quick and Easy: Pumpkin Pecan Crumble Pie

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As TRB‘s obsession with all things pumpkin continues, there’s another recipe that simply must be shared. Over the Halloween weekend, TRB prepared some goodies to bring to a friend’s new home for a celebration. Since there were plenty of leftovers, TRB graciously shared with the fam. Mom, who is typically a tough critic, immediately commented… more »

Quick and Easy: Halloween Bake-tacular!

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To Trick or Treat – that is the question. For TRB, the answer is pretty simple…treat, treat, treat! So, while in search of the perfect chocolate treat for a low-key get together at a good friend’s new home, TRB stumbled upon some Black Magic – well, a super dark chocolate cake with coffee undertones, that… more »

TRB TO THE RESCUE: Pumpkin Pie Leftovers?

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Dear TRB, I love making pumpkin pie when fall rolls around, but I always have too much filling for one pie crust, but not enough for two. What gives? Is there any way to use the leftover filling? I really don’t like wasting it. Sincerely, Waste Not, Want Not Well, Waste Not, Want Not, you… more »