Have a baking dilemma? Ask me your toughest question. Hosting a dinner party and need a quick and easy dessert? I’ll show you how to whip one up in no time! Need a great recipe for the gluten-free crowd? I’ve got you covered. Craving homemade sweet treats, but don’t have time to bake? Let me do it for you. Go ahead, take a look around, and please be sure to tell me what you think!
Sunday Dinner: Greek Feast

After a long week and busy weekend, by the time Sunday dinner rolls around, I am generally longing for a comfort-filled meal. Thankfully, Food Network magazine is usually on hand and — even better — the latest issue features recipes for a Greek Feast, including Pastitsio and Mini Baklava. Full disclosure: I’m Italian-American and have… more »
Ready for Spring: Creamy Avocado Pasta

Is anyone else wondering what happened to winter? The weather has been so unseasonably mild, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was May. Alas, it’s March, spring hasn’t even sprung, and while I’ll take 73 degrees over 23 degrees in any season, it’s still a little disconcerting. Speaking of spring and things… more »
Adventures in Bread Making

If you keep up with TRB, then you’re well aware of the few things even I find particularly intimidating when it comes to baking. In fact, I listed them in a recent post for Tri-Color Cookies, which were, of course, on that list. Now, I’m proud to say I’ve conquered yet another: yeast! I suppose… more »