Have a baking dilemma? Ask me your toughest question. Hosting a dinner party and need a quick and easy dessert? I’ll show you how to whip one up in no time! Need a great recipe for the gluten-free crowd? I’ve got you covered. Craving homemade sweet treats, but don’t have time to bake? Let me do it for you. Go ahead, take a look around, and please be sure to tell me what you think!
Summer’s Last Hurrah: Chocolate Sour Cream Cake with Chocolate Glaze

TRB‘s not sure about you, kids, but there are certainly no tears here about summer coming to a close. It’s been so hot and sticky in the Northeast this season, the cooler fall temperatures and lower humidity will be a welcome change. In the meantime, while TRB was taking a much needed stay-cation this past week,… more »
Bake Up or Shape Up?: I Heart Summer Challenge
Faithful readers, it’s been a busy — and hot — summer. As temperatures continue to soar during these dog days of August, TRB has been less inspired to turn on the oven. And, that’s probably a good thing for all of our waistlines… Something you may (or may not) know is that, in addition to maintaining… more »
Special Guest Post: Gold Rush – Semolina Yoghurt Cake with Caramelised Yoghurt Cream

TRB is all about trying new things. New recipes, new types of cuisine and, of course, new desserts! In this post, she turns to one of her “foodie” friends, Adam Cohn, for some good advice on the sweet power of Semolina. Soon after receiving the recipe, TRB actually made this cake and it is every… more »