Have a baking dilemma? Ask me your toughest question. Hosting a dinner party and need a quick and easy dessert? I’ll show you how to whip one up in no time! Need a great recipe for the gluten-free crowd? I’ve got you covered. Craving homemade sweet treats, but don’t have time to bake? Let me do it for you. Go ahead, take a look around, and please be sure to tell me what you think!
The Ultimate Quick and Easy Holiday: Baking with Trader Joe’s

Not sure what to bake up for the holidays? Busy running around trying to finish your shopping and preparing for your New Year’s party? Never fear! Baking up sweet treats will be easy this year because TRB is serving up some help from Trader Joe’s! Yes, that’s right, Trader Joe’s! For those of you who… more »
Giving Thanks: A Holiday Recap

Here’s to hoping you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family this past (long!) weekend. TRB spent the holiday with her family, devouring a turkey and all of the trimmings. But what Thanksgiving would be complete without the traditional desserts?!! In that spirit, TRB brings you a recap of the scrumptious goodies she shared with… more »
Surprise! Chocolate Chunk Brownies with (and without) Coffee Frosting

The busy fall season continues for TRB and this past weekend was no exception. TRB‘s sister, Laura, celebrated her “quarter-life crisis” (a.k.a. 25th birthday) with a bang — a party with friends at PS 450 in Manhattan on Saturday night and a family surprise party at home on Sunday. Of course, the occasion called for… more »