Have a baking dilemma? Ask me your toughest question. Hosting a dinner party and need a quick and easy dessert? I’ll show you how to whip one up in no time! Need a great recipe for the gluten-free crowd? I’ve got you covered. Craving homemade sweet treats, but don’t have time to bake? Let me do it for you. Go ahead, take a look around, and please be sure to tell me what you think!
Quick and Easy (and *Healthy*): Grilled Pineapple with Honey Glaze

Now that grilling season — and TRB‘s quest for *healthy* sweet treats — have “officially” begun, our focus is turning away from the oven in favor of some great grill recipes. And, in light of health concerns expressed by TRB readers, we’re also looking for recipes that are heart healthy, low in sugar and dairy-free…. more »
TRB Reader Poll Results

TRB Readers indicated that the following health concerns often limit their choices when it comes to making sweet treats: Dairy-free High cholesterol Diabetes TRB will keep these in mind when bringing you Quick and Easy recipes. Don’t forget – there’s still time to submit your *Healthy* Baker recipes – those that use substitutes for butter,… more »
The *Healthy* Baker?

Looking at photos from some family celebrations over the past few weekends has me thinking that it’s time to modify my diet and exercise plan to lose about 20lbs – to be more “healthy,” of course. I realize that committing to a diet is going to put a real damper on one of my greatest… more »