Have a baking dilemma? Ask me your toughest question. Hosting a dinner party and need a quick and easy dessert? I’ll show you how to whip one up in no time! Need a great recipe for the gluten-free crowd? I’ve got you covered. Craving homemade sweet treats, but don’t have time to bake? Let me do it for you. Go ahead, take a look around, and please be sure to tell me what you think!
Quick and Easy: Mexican Brownies
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, here is a quick and easy recipe for brownies that will leave everyone begging for more. P.S. You coffee lovers out there will definitely not want to skimp on the frosting – it is truly the best part… Enjoy! For the Brownies 1 cup (2 sticks) butter 2 cups… more »
Bring Me Your Baking Disasters
So, I thought I’d back up a bit and let my readers know why I started this blog. In essence, I love to bake and I’ve built up quite a following among friends and family in recent years with cakes, pies, brownies, and the Christmas cookies I bake with my cousin. (More on this legendary… more »
Quick and Easy: Cafe Mocha Tart

Warning: This pie is a show-stopper, and you won’t believe how easy it is to make. Cafe Mocha Tart P.S. I recommend Oronoque Orchards’ pie crust (in the frozen aisle at your favorite grocery store) and Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips for this recipe. I also substitute pecans for walnuts and instant coffee powder for espresso… more »