Sunday Supper: Italian Chicken with Tomatoes and Artichokes

Sometimes I have no idea how I do it. The collective “it.” Working a (demanding) full-time job, keeping up with the house, finding time for family and friends, indulging in my hobbies (baking and this blog) and challenging my creative spirit with freelance writing — for which I’m on deadline. Right. Now. September is typically… more »
Comforts of Fall: Homemade Mac n Cheese

The kids are back at school, the weather is distinctly cool and crisp, football season is in full swing and it’ll soon be time for apple and pumpkin picking. Fall is by far my most favorite time of year to be in the kitchen. For me, there’s nothing like the smell of a fresh apple… more »
All in the Family: Peanut Butter Cookies

If you’ve ever watched the NBC show “Who Do You Think You Are?,” you’ve likely wanted to uncover your own family’s origins. While I am fortunate to know more than most about both sides of my family, some mysteries still remain. A couple of years ago, my curiosity led me to — yes, the… more »
Quick and Easy: Apple Streusel Bars

It’s hot. Oh so hot. Too hot to bake. Like that’s ever stopped me before. It’s no secret that fall flavors are my favorites — apple, pumpkin, cinnamon and spice. (I also prefer fall weather to 90-degree heat waves …) So, while preparing dessert for a recent family dinner, I needed a non-chocolate option to… more »
Quick and Easy: Lemon “Brownies”

We seriously couldn’t have asked for better weather in NYC this past weekend. In fact, I don’t think I realized how much I missed the sunshine until two gorgeous days were bestowed on us. Subconsciously, though, I must have been associating my craving for the sun with lemons because all I could think about was… more »