TRB TO THE RESCUE: Raisins vs. Currants

Hey Rescue Baker, Can I substitute raisins in a recipe that calls for currants? What do you think? -Lara Well, Lara, TRB actually had to look this one up for you, so it’s been a learning experience for both of us! As it turns out, although they may look similar and are often confused for… more »
TRB TO THE RESCUE: The Pan that Did Not "Pan Out" as Expected
Dear Rescue Baker: I recently invested in, what I thought was, a very nice new cookie sheet. However, everything I bake on it burns. I just moved into a new apartment and am still setting up my kitchen so I’ve been using my old cookie sheet with tinfoil. Is there anway to rescue my new… more »
TRB to the Rescue: The Missing Ingredient

Today’s question comes to us from Suzan — and I’m sure it’s one that many of us have struggled with at one time or another: “What do you do when you are missing certain ingredients for a recipe? For example, it’s happened many times for me that I’ve been ready to bake, but I was… more »
Bring Me Your Baking Disasters
Have you ever left cookies in the oven for too long – only to find charred, hockey puck-like bits when you went back and opened the oven door? Have you tried to make rice pudding and ended up with scrambled eggs in your mixture? How about a chocolate mousse that looked more like mud? The… more »
TRB TO THE RESCUE: White Chocolate Ganache with NOT So Much Panache
TRB is very excited to present her very first reader inquiry! This question comes to us from stormygreen and is about ganache – for those of you who aren’t familiar with this term, it is an icing, typically, made by melting chocolate and heavy cream over a double boiler. Dear Rescue Baker, I made a… more »